Divorce, paternity actions, relocations, and custody modifications make up the lion’s share of family law cases, but this also encompasses adoptions as well as guardianships. Unfortunately, these are typically the most emotionally charged cases that many people are ever involved in. Once a divorce or custody dispute arises, these actions are filed, and there are a plethora of filings that are required to be filed with the court within certain time standards. Temporary custody motions, as well as discovery between the parties, soon follow, though the action itself can take months to complete. Common issues that arise invariably concern custody, visitation, parenting plans, child support, and spousal maintenance.

It is important to always remember that while you and the other party may have been dealing with problems for years, you walk into a court in front of a judge that will only hear what evidence you can produce in a couple of days’ worth of trial. It is imperative to be well prepared for these cases and have an attorney with experience. We have handled hundreds of these cases from start to finish, from filing through trial or settlement, and would be glad to discuss your case.