Andrew R. Farwell


Andrew R. Farwell was born and raised near Kirksville, Missouri, on his parents’ cattle ranch, and attended Kirksville High School. After graduating with honors from the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville in 1999, he then attended and graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law in 2002. Andrew established his own law firm in 2003 at its present location in Kirksville, Missouri. He has represented clients in civil and criminal matters in more than 35 county courts across northern and central Missouri, the Eastern and Western District Missouri Courts of Appeal, the United States Eastern and Western District Federal Court in Missouri, and even one case in Nevada County in the State of California. Andrew is also a current member and past President of the Adair County Bar. Having been raised in the Kirksville, Missouri area, Andrew and his wife Allison returned with their children to make it their home.

“I like justice. I like jury trials. I have tried a lot of them in Missouri, and a six-week jury trial in the State of California. Most attorneys do not try jury trials, believe it or not. Many of the attorneys in this area have tried none or one and realized they were not ready for it and never want to do it again. Jury trials are extremely time-consuming, heavy on preparation, and high-stress situations.

Most of the time we represent the underdog, whether that is in personal injury cases against insurance companies’ defense team, or in criminal defense cases where the client is always presumed guilty, not innocent. There is a sense of real satisfaction that arises when your client becomes the victor when the insurance company started by offering pennies, only to pay substantial sums, or when your client is convicted by the public, only to see the jury send him home with a not guilty verdict once all the facts are in evidence.”